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Om bhur bhuvah svah tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

In order to have a happy life, it is absolutely necessary to get to know your own mind- as that is the root of all suffering. In order to get to know your own mind it takes intention, focus, stability, and a healthy body. Mind and body are different from each other but they overlap and affect one another. By using the tools in Ayurveda, one learns how to eat, sleep, exercise, work, and socialize according to their individual constitutions. Everyone is different and requires different things to maintain balance. By using Buddhist practices and philosophies one comes to understand the nature of their thoughts, feelings, and motivations, which over time can lead to a multitude of changes in thought pattern, response to stimuli, and can culminate in realizations that lead to a much happier, healthier, more meaningful existence.
Gaya Tree has two meanings- the name of the first mantra that enticed me onto a spiritual path (Gayatri Mantra) and Gaia Tree, referring to my love of nature and connection to trees. I practice Ayurveda and Dharma as one to take care of my body and mind, and it is my highest wish to help as many people as I can to do the same. Ayurveda literally translates to science of life- and that is exactly what it is- an ancient, yet completely relevant instruction manual on how to live a happy, healthy, fulfilling life. Dharma refers to my Buddhist practice but one does not need to be a Buddhist to practice these timeless meditation techniques and philosophies to gain benefit. The basic teachings of Ayurveda and Buddhism are universal and pervade most spiritual, religious, and scientific paths.
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